Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Turnabout HUG: An Introduction

Turnabout HUG was first conceived as a thread on the popular Ace Attorney fanforum Court Records; it was a place for a small circle of friends to meet, talk, and give hugs. Unfortunately, it was deemed too spammy by the mods there, and was locked (it was, admittedly, far too off-topic for the forum). The THUGs (as we are called) split off from the Court Records forum and moved instead to their own forum, where they set themselves up to chat and talk as they liked. In recent years and months, however, the small, close-knit community of THUGs has been growing smaller and more distant, and in an effort to bring more life to the group, we have opened up a new forum, and are actively trying to recruit more members to join. This blog will serve as the blog for various members including Crooked, Lida_Rose, Goken, possibly myself (Drew, aka Riu), and maybe even others.

If you love hugs, making friends, and being AWESOME, you're welcome to join us at

Also check out our Youtube channel, where Minako and I will be making biweekly vlogs

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