Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Hey, everyone. This is Lida_Rose. Drew/Riu introduced you to Turnabout HUG and the vlog, so I guess I'll introduce myself. Here are some miscellaneous facts about me.

  • I'm 21 years old.
  • I'm female. 
  • I wear glasses.
  • I'm better at writing than I am at speaking.
  • I tend to be redundant when I write this stuff.
  • I really suck at drawing.
  • I have more friends online than I do in real life. 
  • I tend to be redundant. 
  • While I love writing stories, I hate writing poems. Deepness. Blech. Who needs that? Am I right?
  • I have my mom's body, but my dad's hair and eyes. 
  • I love to read. Makes me look smart. 
  • I am horrible at remembering names, but I can recall faces remarkably well. 
  • I sometimes talk really quickly to the point where no one understands me. 
  • People think I have a weird accent and am therefore from a foreign country, but I was born in the US. 
  • I like bullet points. 
  • I'm registered as Democrat, but I really don't affiliate myself with any political party. 
  • I'm fairly moderate, but where I live, being moderate is considered liberal and saying you like a democratic president is like admitting you're the most horrible person to ever come into existence. (Okay, so that's an exaggeration...but only a very slight one.)
  • There are three cats in my house. I own one of them. 
  • I tend to be redundant...Oh, crap! 

There's not much more to say about me, so, I guess I'll open the floor to my colleagues. If there are any questions anyone has, I'll try to answer them in a future blog.

Love and cake,

~ Lida_Rose

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, nice to meet you again Lida! Guess I'll use the same account to comment, unless it would be better to comment on the forum. Woah, this is like... multiple personality disorder or something

